ICYMI: Jill Karofsky Has Planned Parenthood’s Stamp of Approval

March 11, 2020

[Madison, WI] – In case you missed it, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin endorsed candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Jill Karofsky. This comes after Karofsky compared the decision to get an abortion to the decision to get one’s wisdom teeth removed.

Planned Parenthood is endorsing Jill Karofsky because they know she wants to bring her political agenda to the Supreme Court. Jill Karofsky has already promised to fight for social justice issues from the bench and compared the decision to get an abortion to the decision to get one’s wisdom teeth removed.

This isn’t the only issue where Karofsky has made her political agenda for the Supreme Court known–Karofsky has also admitted that she believes the Constitution allows limiting our possession of firearms and has previously called for gun control. The Supreme Court is no place for political activism, but that’s exactly what Wisconsin will get from Jill Karofsky.
