Article I – Unauthorized Use of County, District, and State Logos
SECTION 1 – Prohibitions
It is prohibited for any Republican Party member, officer, or organization to utilize the official logo of the Republican Party of Wisconsin and/or any Congressional District or County Party Logo, without prior written authorization. Additionally, the creation of any derivative works resembling or imitating these logos is strictly forbidden.
SECTION 2 – Penalties
- 1st Violation: A letter of reprimand to the individual or organization and a cease-and-desist demand from the District Chairman and/or State Party Constitution Committee Chairman, depending upon which logo is being used improperly.
- 2nd Violation: A recommendation from the State Party Constitution Committee to the District and/or State Credentials Committee, depending upon which logo is being used improperly, that the individual or the County and/or District Delegation not be seated at the next annual District Caucus and/or State Convention. By majority vote, the State Executive Committee can also intercede and direct the District and/or State Credentials Committee, that the individual or County and/or District Delegation not be seated at the District Caucus and/or State Convention.
- 3rd Violation: In cases involving an individual member or officer, a recommendation to the county party that expulsion proceedings be initiated, following the process outlines in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. In cases involving county organizations, a recommendation by the District Chairman or the State Party Constitution Committee Chairman to the State Party Constitution Committee that the County Party Charter be revoked.
Article II – Endorsement in County, Legislative, Congressional, and Statewide Republican Primaries
SECTION 1 – Authorizations
Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin:
- Convention delegates reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for state-wide office.
- Congressional District Organizations reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for US House offices within their district.
- County Organizations reserve the exclusive right to endorse candidates for State Senate, State Assembly, and other elections with jurisdictions that are located within their county.
SECTION 2 – Guidance
- Subject to any restrictions that may exist in their respective County, District, or State Constitutions, County, District, and State Party Officers are otherwise free, as individuals, to support and endorse the candidates of their choice. They may not, however, provide any endorsement using their official title which could be misconstrued to indicate an official or organizational endorsement.
- As indicated in Section 1 above, county and district party organizations are only allowed to endorse in those races as authorized by the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
- In cases where county and district party organizations choose to endorse in those races for which they are authorized, endorsement votes should only be conducted among the general membership at a duly called caucus or general membership meeting. County or District Executive Committees may not supersede the right of the general membership and vote to endorse in any Republican Primary.
SECTION 3 - Penalties
- 1st Violation: A letter of reprimand, from the District Party Chairman and/or State Party Constitution Committee Chairman, depending upon level of the party the endorsement infraction occurred, to the individual or organization and a demand for the endorsement to be withdrawn.
- 2nd Violation: A recommendation from the State Party Constitution Committee to the District and/or State Credentials Committee, depending upon the level the endorsement infraction occurred, that the individual or the County and/or District Delegation not be seated at the next annual District Caucus and/or State Convention. By majority vote, the State Executive Committee can also intercede and direct the District and/or State Credentials Committee, that the individual or County and/or District Delegation not be seated at the District Caucus and/or State Convention.
- 3rd Violation: In cases involving an individual member or officer, a recommendation to the county party that expulsion proceedings be initiated, following the process outlines in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised. In cases involving county organizations, a recommendation by the State Party Constitution Committee Chairman to the State Party Constitution Committee that the County Party Charter be revoked.
Article III – Revocation of County Charters
SECTION 1 – Authorizations
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, “It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of this organization in order to accomplish successfully the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. The Executive Committee shall further have the power to prescribe and adopt by-laws not in conflict with this Constitution and shall have power to make rules and regulations not in conflict with this Constitution for the conduct of the affairs of this organization. The Executive Committee shall furthermore have power to approve Constitutions and By-Laws for the District and County Organizations, and to issue Charters to the “Republican Party of _______ County” — one such Charter to each county — it being the duty of the County Organization so chartered to issue Charters to Town, Village, Ward or Precinct Organizations. The Executive Committee may upon two-thirds vote, revoke the charters, after thirty (30) days’ notice and hearing to the aggrieved parties. County and District Party Constitutions shall be reviewed for compliance with the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin and to insure there are no conflicts.”
SECTION 2 – Process
- Formal complaints regarding county or district party organizations shall be initially reviewed by the Constitution Committee, in a closed session, at its first meeting following receipt of the complaint. Complaints must be in writing and must include any evidence that substantiates the complaint.
- Following an initial review and discussion of the complaint, the Constitution Committee shall determine if the complaint is valid. The Constitution Committee may consult individually with the complainant, county or district party leaders, or others connected with the complaint, in the process of determining its validity. Valid complaints shall be defined as those for which there appear to be sufficient evidence that some provision(s) of the county, district, or state party constitutions have been violated.
- If a complaint is determined to be invalid, no further action shall be taken, and the complainant shall be so notified.
- If the complaint is determined to be valid, the Constitution Committee shall conduct a closed session hearing, for which all County Party members shall be eligible to attend, at which the complainant shall formally present the complaint and provide evidence and witnesses. The subject of the complaint shall also present a formal response to the complaint and provide evidence and witnesses.
- Following deliberations in a closed meeting, the Constitution Committee shall make a decision regarding the complaint and recommend a course of action to the State Executive Committee.
- Members of the Constitution Committee who may be connected with the complaint or otherwise have a conflict of interest shall excuse themselves from participating in the formal complaint process.
- Any recommendation to revoke a county charter shall be presented to the State Executive Committee, in a closed session, at which the county party may refute the evidence in support for the recommendation to revoke their charter. Any vote to revoke the county charter shall be approved by a majority vote of the State Executive Committee.
- Following the revocation of the county charter, the Chairman of the State Party Constitution Committee shall convene a special caucus for purposes of reconstituting the County Party.
Article IV – Compensation for the State Chairman
SECTION 1 – Authorization
Pursuant to Article IV, Section 1, and Section 2(c)(i), of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, the State Chairman shall be among those officers elected by the State Executive Committee. Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, it shall also be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of this organization in order to accomplish successfully the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. To that end, the Executive Committee shall further have the power to prescribe and adopt by-laws not in conflict with the Constitution and shall have power to make rules and regulations not in conflict with the Constitution for the conduct of the affairs of this organization.
SECTION 2 – Compensation Agreement
The State Chairman may be compensated in accordance with an agreement to be entered into between the State Chairman and the Republican Party of Wisconsin, with majority approval of the State Executive Committee upon recommendation from the Operations Committee. The Operations Committee may establish a smaller subcommittee of its members and, if it so determines, other State Executive Committee members, to establish and negotiate the aforementioned agreement for review and finalization by the Operations Committee prior to final approval by the State Executive Committee.
SECTION 3 – Compensation Agreement Modifications
If a compensation agreement is in place from the previous term at the time a new election for State Party Chairman is held and the State Executive Committee has determined a compensation agreement shall remain in effect for the new term, the terms of the existing agreement shall also remain in effect until such time as a new agreement is reached and approved as outlined in Section 2 above.
Article V – Position Descriptions and Performance Reviews
SECTION 1 – Authorization
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of this organization in order to accomplish successfully the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. The Executive Committee shall further have the power to prescribe and adopt by-laws not in conflict with the Constitution and shall have power to make rules and regulations not in conflict with the Constitution for the conduct of the affairs of this organization.
SECTION 2 – Position Descriptions and Performance Reviews Required
- The State Chairman and Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall be required to establish position descriptions for each member of the professional staff employed by the Republican Party of Wisconsin, including the Executive Director.
- The Executive Director shall be required to conduct an annual performance review of each member of the professional staff employed by the Republican Party of Wisconsin. The State Chairman shall also be required to conduct an annual performance review of the Executive Director.
- Should the State Executive Committee determine the State Chairman is to be compensated, the State Executive Committee, shall be required, in a closed session, to conduct an annual performance review of the State Chairman based on the metrics outlined in the compensation agreement.
Article VI – Employment of the State Party Executive Director
SECTION 1 – Authorization
Pursuant to Article VI, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, it shall also be the duty of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of this organization in order to accomplish successfully the objectives of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. To that end, the Executive Committee shall further have the power to prescribe and adopt by-laws not in conflict with the Constitution and shall have power to make rules and regulations not in conflict with the Constitution for the conduct of the affairs of this organization.
SECTION 2 – Employment of the State Party Executive Director
In the event the position of State Party Executive Director becomes vacant, the State Chairman shall lead the effort to recruit and screen applicants, and to ultimately make a hire with the assistance of a Search and Screen Committee of at least three members in number, and consisting of members of the Operations Committee and other such members of the State Executive Committee as the State Chairman may determine. The Search and Screen Committee, chaired by the State Chairman, shall review and, as necessary, revise the position description of the Executive Director, and shall also determine and negotiate the final terms of the employment.
SECTION 3 – Role of the Operations Committee and State Executive Committee
Prior to the hiring of the Executive Director taking effect, and for the State Chairman and Search and Screen Committee to obtain feedback and input, the Search and Screen Committee, through the State Chairman, shall update the Operations Committee and the State Executive Committee, both in closed session. Upon receiving final input and feedback from the State Executive Committee on the hiring of the Executive Director, any final recommendation from the Search and Screen Committee shall be approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee before such hire becomes effective.
SECTION 4 – Term of Office
The State Party Executive Director serves at the pleasure of the State Executive Committee through the State Chairman and under the State Chairman’s direct supervision. The compensation agreement with the State Party Executive Director can be revised annually, within the parameters established in the budget, following a performance review by the State Chairman, and upon the recommendation of the State Chairman and with the approval of the Operations Committee and the State Executive Committee.