ICYMI: WisGOP, RNC, Rock and Walworth County GOP’s File to Intervene in Election Integrity Lawsuit

MADISON, Wis. — In case you missed it, the Republican Party of Wisconsin (WisGOP), Republican National Committee (RNC), along with Walworth County GOP, Rock County GOP, and RITE PAC filed to intervene in a recent election integrity lawsuit, Priorities USA v. Wisconsin Election Commission.

Last year, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that ballot drop boxes are not legal. The majority opinion clarified that, “only the legislature may permit absentee voting via ballot drop boxes. WEC cannot. Ballot drop boxes appear nowhere in the detailed statutory system for absentee voting. WEC’s authorization of ballot drop boxes was unlawful…”

Just days before the State’s highest court shifted to a far-left majority, national Democrats began their attack on Wisconsin election integrity. With a new liberal majority, national and Wisconsin Democrats are planning to misuse the court and make it their own arm of the Legislature. While national Democrats may want dark money and far-left policies to undermine Wisconsin elections, Wisconsinites want transparent and secure elections. Wisconsin Republicans will continue fighting to protect fair and free elections.

The charge by national Democrats to undo settled law is led by hyperpartisan and questionable characters like Hillary Clinton and Democrats’ go-to legal agitator, Marc Elias, and out-of-state dark money groups. While Democrats seek to undo voter protections like: requiring a witness signature on absentee ballots, pushing the “ballot curing” deadline to after Election Day, and reinstating unmonitored ballot drop boxes, Wisconsin Republicans are filing to ensure state statutes are followed. 

“Despite the schemes of overtly far-left groups like Law Forward and the Elias Group, the Republican Party of Wisconsin will continue to ensure Wisconsin voters have full confidence in our elections. While Democrats attempt to undo common sense voting measures like requiring witness signatures on absentee ballots, we will continue to fight back against Democrat efforts to undermine safeguards every step of the way. Having safeguards in our elections should be a bipartisan issue; Wisconsinites in every corner of the state want fair and transparent elections.” — RPW Chairman Brian Schimming

“Wisconsin election integrity is under attack from far left dark-money groups bent on destroying basic voting safeguards, so the RNC, RPW, and RITE are legally intervening to ensure that Wisconsinites can have faith in their election process. As Democrats compete to see who can launch the most self-serving and frivolous attack on election integrity, Republicans remain committed to protecting your vote in the Badger State and nationwide.” – RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
