Democrats’ Strategy for 2024? Hire a Stuntman!

MADISON, Wis — With voters worried about the Biden Administration’s failures at the southern border, the economy, and beyond, desperate times call for desperate measures if you are a liberal. 

However, it appears Wisconsin liberals may have jumped the shark with their latest job offering.

From The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

    “Opportunity Wisconsin, a liberal group active in congressional races, recently posted a job opportunity for an “Eau Claire Regional Lead” who would “mobilize grassroots, grasstops, leaders, and constituents on key issues” while targeting Wisconsin Rep. Derrick Van Orden.

     Among the responsibilities would be “to maintain a drumbeat of accountability tactics and actions” through everything from holding press conferences and town halls to engaging in “stunts” to win media attention.”

While Wisconsinites know the economy is in rough waters, no one could have imagined it would be in such bad shape that stuntmen would be forced to suffer the indignity of working for the left.

The best we can hope for is that Opportunity Wisconsin miraculously stumbles upon the next great stuntman or comedian who can entertain and amuse future generations of Americans on the silver screen. Otherwise, this development only confirms the spreading panic among Democrat’s ranks concerning their chances in November. 

“While Wisconsin liberals may try every gimmick and prank imaginable, there is no stunt that will distract voters from the abysmal record of the Biden Administration. Republicans understand what really matters to voters: lower prices, securing the border, and building an economy that invests in working families.” —WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming