In case you missed it, Lt. Gov. Barnes announced a “series of law enforcement endorsements”: a whopping total of seven retired and two(!) active law enforcement officers out of the 13,400 law enforcement officers currently on the job in the state of Wisconsin.
Law enforcement officers and communities in Wisconsin know the truth about his radical policies on law and order:
- Barnes wants to defund police departments and has the full support of Defund the Police groups.
- He wants to abolish ICE.
- As a state legislator, Barnes proposed eliminating cash bail in Wisconsin and letting violent criminals back on the streets.
- He supports cutting the prison population in half.
- During the Kenosha riots, he fanned the flames of violence and vilified police departments.
- Lt. Gov. Barnes charged taxpayers more than $600,000 for state patrol to accompany him to out-of-state marathons, racking up 10 times more hours than his predecessor.
“Mandela Barnes wants to defund the police, let criminals walk without bail, cut the prison population in half and let felons vote from behind bars, so it is no surprise he found a total of two current members of law enforcement in the entire state of Wisconsin to support him publicly. Crime is out-of-control in Wisconsin and we can’t afford to elect a radical who caters to criminals more than their victims or law enforcement,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Chad Doran