WisGOP Announces RNC Delegates and Alternates

MADISON, Wis. – The Republican Party of Wisconsin announced its slate of delegates and alternates for the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. 

“It is an honor to represent the state of Wisconsin at the Republican National Convention,” WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming said. “We know that the passion and unity of Republican voters will be on display in our delegation. And we are thrilled to welcome our neighbors to Wisconsin to nominate President Donald Trump.” 

WisGOP National Convention Delegates and Alternates


Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Brian Schimming

RNC National Committeeman Tom Schreibel

RNC National Committeewoman Maripat Krueger

Former Governor Scott Walker

Former Governor Tommy Thompson

Republican Party of Wisconsin Immediate Past Chairman Paul Farrow

Republican Party of Wisconsin Past Chairman Brad Courtney

State Treasurer John Leiber

State Senator Cory Tomczyk

Dave Anderson

Candee Arndt

Barb Bittner

Jordan Briskey

Kathy Broghammer

George Bureau

Pete Church

Brett Galaszewski

Jim Geldreich

Kevin Hermening

Christine Illgen

Scarlett Johnson

Robert Kordus, Jr.

Rose Marie LaBarbera

Brandon Maly

Georgia Maxwell

Diamond McKenna

Shannon McKinney

Tim Michels

Andreina Patilliet

Phillip Prange

Patricia Reiman

Matt Rust

Chris Slinker

Stephanie Soucek

Eric Toney

Pam Travis

Terrence Wall

Cindy Werner

Sandy Wiedmeyer

Laurie Wolf

Dixon Wolfe


Akil Ajmeri

State Representative Tyler August

John Beauchamp

William Blathras

Len Boltz

Luanne Coyne

Catherine DeVries

Alan Downs

Luke Dretske

Barbara Finger

John Graber

Amber Hahn

Billie Johnson

Kelly Johnson

Rita Lackovich

Shirl LeBarre

Don Lee

Julie Leschke

Jeanie Moore

Jerry Murphy

Purnima Nath

Annette Olson

Gerard Randall

State Representative Nik Rettinger

Patricia Schick

Jim Schildbach

Lawrence Schneider II

Amber Schroeder

Brian Smith

Robert “Bob” Spindell Jr

Ruth Streck

Gwen Theien

Carl Toepel

Julie Vale

Pam Van Handel

William Vanevenhoven

Judy Wenger

Michael Zaremba