MADISON, Wis. — During Tuesday’s Debate, Janet Protasiewicz repeatedly lied about her record as a soft on crime Milwaukee Judge and said attacks on her record are not “fair.” At the end of the debate, she challenged voters to “fact check” what was said during the debate.
We’re up for the challenge:
Lying about not sentencing a child rapist to prison time because of COVID
Janet Protasiewicz during the debate: “There is no way I would have said in any case, ‘you’re not going to prison, Covid.’ That’s an outright lie.”
Janet Protasiewicz in Court: “But for COVID, I would be giving you some House of Correction time. These are strange times, Mr. Wright. I’m not going to do that.”
Lying about telling a rapist he wasn’t a danger to the public and that he has good qualities
Janet Protasiewicz during the debate: “I certainly would like to see that transcript in total, that certainly doesn’t sound like anything that I would do.”
Janet Protasiewicz in Court: “Are you a danger to the public? I don’t think so. … There’s a lot of good things about you.”
Lying about how many defendants she sentenced re-offended:
Janet Protasiewicz during the debate: “I had one case where somebody re-offended”
A few examples of defendants who re-offended:
Anton Veasley: Janet Protasiewicz gave him no prison time after he kidnapped and raped a 15-year-old-girl. He was later charged for being a felon in possession of a firearm and now lives next to an elementary school.
Kenneth Blair: Janet Protasiewicz let him off on probation after sexually assaulting 7-, 8- and 11-year-old girls. He was later charged with repeated sexual assault of the same child and sexual contact with a child under 13.
Kenneth Wright: Janet Protasiewicz gave him no time after impregnating a 15-year-old girl, using COVID as an excuse. 10 months later, he killed a 17-year-old girl in a drunk driving crash.
Quantrell Bounds: Janet Protasiewicz gave him no time in prison after he raped a 13-year-old girl and posted a video of it to Facebook. This was not the first time he filmed a sex act and shared it without consent. He is now charged with possession of a firearm as a felon. \
“Janet Protasiewicz is lying about her record because she doesn’t want Wisconsinites to know how soft on crime she really is, said Rachel Reisner, Republican Party of Wisconsin spokeswoman. “Janet Protasiewicz and her lies have no place on Wisconsin’s highest Court.”