[Madison, WI] – The 2022 field of Wisconsin Democrats have shown that they are willing to lie about anything in order to get ahead. Last week, Tony Evers joined their ranks when he lied about his failed record in Kenosha in an interview with the Wisconsin State Journal, saying that “we did exactly what the city and county asked us to do.”
Reports from August, when the Kenosha County Board and local law enforcement asked for more assistance than Evers would provide, say otherwise. After two nights of protests, Evers sent just one third of the National Guard troops that local law enforcement asked for. The Kenosha County Board later sent a letter to Tony Evers asking for 1,500 National Guard troops to protect their community, but Evers short changed them with 500 troops instead. Law enforcement organizations even had to ask Tony Evers and Mandela Barnes to “refrain from making statements specific to Kenosha” that were fanning the flames of violence.
“Kenoshans suffered because Tony Evers played politics with their safety. Even local Democrats hold him responsible,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Anna Kelly. “It’s appalling that he would try to embellish this part of his record instead of taking accountability for his failure.”