WisGOP Statement on Evers’ Asking Wisconsin Supreme Court to Review Congressional Maps

MADISON, Wis —If you are covering Governor Tony Evers’ request for the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reconsider congressional maps, please consider the following statement from the Republican Party of Wisconsin:

“It comes as no surprise that Tony Evers would shamelessly pressure the Wisconsin Supreme Court to throw out his own maps. The same out-of-state donors funding the Elias Law firm lawsuit were also responsible for bankrolling Janet Protasiewicz’s campaign last year. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt by Wisconsin Democrats to exploit a compromised Justice for the sake of entrenching themselves in positions of power.” —WisGOP Spokesperson Matt Fisher


  • The same out-of-state donors that financed Janet Protasiewicz’s campaign for the Wisconsin Supreme Court are now funding the Elias Law Group’s lawsuit that Governor Evers’ is requesting the Supreme Court take up.