As Wisconsin Schools Shutter, Where is Tony Evers?

[Madison, WI] – This week, students in both Madison and Milwaukee are once again confronting school closures – an event that will feel like deja vu for families who watched their kids struggle with nearly two years of virtual learning. Meanwhile, the statewide labor shortage exacerbated by Democrats like Tony Evers and Joe Biden is creating new problems for Wisconsin kids – causing the Beloit school district to cancel classes due to a bus driver shortage.

Tony Evers’ failed leadership on education led to widespread learning loss and abysmal outcomes in 2020 and 2021. Wisconsin families deserve to hear from the self-proclaimed ‘education governor’ on whether he will fight to ensure that their children can learn in-person.

“Tony Evers’ refusal to reopen schools already led to widespread learning loss,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Anna Kelly. “Now that in-person education is being threatened once again, why is Evers missing in action?”