Tony Evers Skirts Accountability on Crime Again

[Madison, WI] – No matter how high crime rises or how drastically the consequences affect Wisconsin communities, Tony Evers remains incapable of standing up for public safety. On this weekend’s edition of WISN’s UpFront, Tony Evers once again skirted accountability for his failure to keep our communities safe – blaming the Legislature after he failed to address one of Wisconsinites’ top concerns during his State of the State Address.

Yet while Tony Evers is quick to point fingers, he failed to explain why he ignored rising crime in his remarks or take accountability for his myriad of public safety failures:  

  • Evers refused to hold John Chisholm accountable after his office’s “inappropriately low” bail that allowed Darrell Brooks to walk free – after Evers himself tried to eliminate felony bail jumping in his most recent budget.
  • As of January 2022, the Evers administration hadn’t spent any of the federal funds that Evers vaguely designated for “violence prevention” in October.
  • After fanning the flames of violence in Kenosha, Evers refused federal help to keep the community safe and failed to deliver the protection that local officials requested. 
  • Evers refused to prevent cities from defunding the police.

“Two years into a historic crime spike, Tony Evers is still ignoring families’ concerns and failing to take public safety seriously,” said Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Anna Kelly. “Wisconsin families deserve a real leader who will stand up for law enforcement and fight to keep our communities safe – not a feckless figurehead who will only pass the buck.”